The weekend was not jam-packed busy (as evidenced by the fact that I was able to hit my 200 book limit on LibraryThing), but the events were spaced out just perfectly to keep me from being able to do any concentrated work on the book. Friday night, OSFW meeting. Saturday morning, T-Ball practice. Saturday afternoon, birthday party, followed by work until ten.
Sunday morning, Mother's Day gift presentation, then the family left for church and I had some peace and quiet. I puttered around a bit, catalogued some books, got some lunch and went to the office. I wrote for about ten minutes and got the call: "We're having company over for late lunch. You need to come home." So I wrap up writing, drive home and play host. Early evening, I start to work out, thinking about sneaking back out to the office after the workout's done. The Wife happens to see me working out and says, "Did you decide to skip Survivor?" Doh! The season finale. I hate the fact that they move the finale to Sunday nights.
So even though I had high hopes of getting big momentum and hitting maybe 70K, the count is only 67,000. 13,000 left to write, 16 days in which to do it.
And it appears that people are already being informed about their stories' outcomes in Writers of the Future. They say in their e-mail that it will take about eight to ten weeks to receive word of your story's fate. Last time I entered, it was more like 13-14 weeks before I received word. But at Friday night's OSFW meeting, one of our members said she had received notice that her story had made quarter-finalist, and it's only been six weeks since the end of the quarter. Perhaps they just had an extraordinarily low story turnout this quarter. K.D. Wentworth told me to write in and ask for an update on my entry, but I think I'll wait at least until the ten weeks are up, since that was teh guideline we were given.
It's kind of weird being up in the air like this. On the one hand, I feel as if I've been swept under the rug and forgotten. On the other, maybe it's because I'm still in the running, as in semi-finalist or even finalist. As long as I don't ask, I won't know for sure that I'm out of it.
I think sometimes Kathy sends back Quarter-Finalists and non-placers as she goes through the boxes, so maybe your OSFW member was one of those. Might explain why she got it back so early. The Finalists for Q1 haven't even been determined yet, so I doubt they're done for Q2.