Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Road To Hell

I know I said I was going to post more frequently and have this flood of new material, but something came up that has had me preoccupied for a while. I can't talk about it now, but maybe in a month I'll spill the beans.

So I'm going to try to write some catch-up posts here in the next few days. "Out of the Vault" may even make a return appearance; I had a lot of plans for that, but then I made a poor choice of books to feature, and have just not had anything to say about it.

The big news right now: "No Love for the Middleman" is up right now at Strange Horizons. This is the first story I've sold that does not star Digger (although it is in the same world--Digger is even mentioned a few times). For the folks visiting from Strange Horizons, welcome. If you liked "No Love for the Middleman," you might also like "Astromonkeys" and "Double-Secret Weapon," both appearing in Baen's Universe ("Astromonkeys" can also be heard free on Escape Pod). And if you like giant monsters, you might take a look at Daikaiju! 3: Giant Monsters vs. the World, which contains, among many others, "Out of His League," a tale of Digger vs. Something Really Big.

So go, read, enjoy, and I'll clean things up around here and make them more presentable.

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