Sunday, July 25, 2010

Progress Report 2 - It's Official

So last night, after visiting Sargon and Naamah-Darling for yet another Bad Movie Night ("The Conqueror," if you're wondering), I came home and worked through the night on the Hero Go Home redesign. Naamah gave me some good input, and talking to her led me to put some of my other ideas into more focus. I created and reordered pages and finally got up the nerve to set up a forum as well.

I still have some polishing to do--redoing the blogroll, adding links to my CafePress shop and Amazon, and maybe slotting in some Google ads or something. But my main concern now is getting content lined up and ready to go for the official launch, which will be on Sunday, Aug 1.

Caroline Munro is excited.


  1. Naamah2:49 PM

    "A crown of untold riches?!"

    Rock on. I will start sending people your way as soon as it's up.

  2. Yeah, just don't ask me to remove my mask. It's not pretty.
