Friday, September 17, 2010

It's Friday

And that means another chapter of Hero Go Home is live today. We're still in the first act, so I know it's a slow build, but today's chapter has some fun stuff in it. Go, read, and I hope you enjoy.

As for the rest of the week, you know the drill. Out of the Vault tomorrow (featuring one of the crassest comics of the 70's), Movie Monday after that (continuing our MAMMOTH recap of the first Superman serial from 1948), a Hero Go Home Extra on Tuesday over on the other site, and then back here for Big Game Wednesday, discussing my attempt to run a campaign of a game I didn't like.

No real news on the car or job fronts. There's a plan for the car, but it hasn't been put into motion yet. Meanwhile, I'm learning that it's quite a long walk to the Family Dollar. Urg.

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