Friday, September 10, 2010

With a Cherry on Top

So I've been doing day labor to earn enough money to keep my utilities turned on. And the recurring job I got this week was watering trees along the river. I sunburn very badly, and hate, hate, HATE sunscreen, but for the most, I was able to keep mostly in shade. Until yesterday, when they decided that the trees had gotten plenty of water from the recent rains, and instead had us pulling weeds all day in mostly unshaded areas. It rained on us all morning, and was nasty hot all afternoon, and by the time I got home, there were blisters on both arms.

Luckily, after they put us out in the hot sun all day, they then told us the job was over and not to come back today. So this morning, I was blistered and unemployed.

But I got another job pretty quickly, because I have a car and they're constantly needing people to give rides to all the other people who don't. So today, I drove a gang of guys to the Sand Springs road maintenance department and spent another day in the hot sun. I don't know that I'm any more blistered than I was this morning, but my neck has this ominous feeling of being simultaneously hot and chilled that makes think bad things are in store for the weekend, neckburn-wise.

But I was still feeling good enough to think about going to my writers club meeting tonight. At least until the guy showed up to repossess my car.

The thing that sucks worse than the feeling of failure and helplessness is knowing that it can get a whole hell of a lot worse. And every time something like this happens, it ratchets things, so that getting worse becomes a whole lot easier than getting better.


  1. Oh Jeez, dude. I'm so sorry. :(

  2. Anonymous5:22 AM

    You going to need a ride to the game on Wednesday?

  3. Don't know yet, but thanks for asking.
