Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big Bleg Wednesday

Okay, so I'm putting out a general call for assistance. I've got a very special something planned for Halloween, and I need help. Here's what I need:

Voice actors: I need two male and one female. Details and script will be provided upon contact. Record your sides as audio files and email them to me. there shouldn't be more than four or five minutes of material, so the file size shouldn't be too large.

Music: I have two different ideas for theme music, but I have no way to play and record it. If you have a piano and a way to record it, I can put together sheet music. It's very simple--a slow somber tune.

If I can get the recording done by a week from Friday, I can do the editing on Saturday and get everything up on Halloween itself.

This will be fun, I hope.

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