Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy New Year (Sort Of)

It occurred to me that a birthday is in a way your own personal New Year's Day, which would make Halloween my own personal New Year's Eve. Therefore, I attended a party at Sargon's.

It was fun. Most of us were in costume, we played some games, and then we had a special presentation of "Crybaby Bridge." Having listened to it in pieces literally dozens of times over the past few days, and all the way through at least five times in various stages of production, it was still a new experience to listen to it in a darkened room with other people hearing it for the first time. Also interesting to hear it over a real stereo system as opposed to my tinny computer speakers. You can really hear all the layers of sound, which makes the gruesome parts really gruesome.

Up until the part where I realized I locked the keys in the car, things were great. But sargon and naamah and especially apocalypticbob helped me get things sorted, so I'm grateful for that.

And now it's a new year of my life. I started it off by interviewing for a job and then peeing in a cup. Assuming Eilis and Matt didn't put anything untoward in the fudge last night, I should be working in a few days. It's barely above minimum wage, but with the Christmas season coming on, there will be overtime.

Now I've got to take down all the Halloween stuff and get crunching on new blog content. There will be a Movie Monday later in the day, and there will be developments on Hero Go Home later in the week as well.

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